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The trademarks and logos displayed on this web site are trademarks of Vermonski.Watch Nothing contained on the site may be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use any of the trademarks displayed on this site without the prior written permission of Vermonski.


Reasonable care is being taken to ensure that the site content is accurate and up-to-date; however, Vermonski makes no warranties or representations about accuracy, sequence, timeliness or completeness of this web site's content and may discontinue distributing the site without prior notice.

Vermonski shall not be liable for any loss whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, arising out of access to, use of or reliance upon any of the content on this website or sites to which this website is linked regardless of whether such content has been accurate or complete and Vermonski will not pay any damages whether for loss or injury, punitive or otherwise because of any such access to, use of or reliance upon any of the content on this web site or sites to which this web site is linked.

This Legal Notice and Disclaimer and the contents of this web site shall be governed exclusively by Swedish law without regard to its conflict of law rules. Any dispute arising out of or in relation to this Legal Notice and Disclaimer or the Privacy Policy shall, if it cannot be solved amicably, be decided by the Swedish Court as the first insurance venue.

Contacting Vermonski

If you have any questions about this Legal Notice and Disclaimer, the practices of this web site, or your dealings with this web site, please contact